Sandy Store bynet store

1. Identification of the company:

  • Corporate reason: Sandy Store Bynet
  • SIRET: Under registration
  • Address : 41 rue du Puits du Gué, 77144 Montévrain, France
  • E-mail : customer service @sandystorebynet .com
  • Phone : 0180813990

2. Publication director:

  • Sandrine Laoui, director

3. Site host:

  • Host name: Shopify Inc.
  • Address : 150, rue Elgin, office 800, Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 1L4, Canada
  • Website: www .Shopify .com

4. Intellectual property:
All the content present on the Sandy Store bynet site (texts, images, graphics, logos, etc.) are the property of Sandy Store Bynet or their respective authors. Any reproduction, distribution or unauthorized exploitation of this content is strictly prohibited.

5. Personal data protection:
In accordance with personal data protection regulations, you benefit from the right to access, rectify and delete your data. To exercise these rights, you can contact us at the following address: customer service @sandystorebynet .com .

6. Cookies:
The Sandy Store Bynet site uses cookies to improve your user experience. You can manage your cookie preferences in your browser settings.

The legal notices present are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Meaux will be competent.